Šesti v seriji Kotlovnica ONLINE dogodkov. V live streamu bomo virtualno gostili avtorje stripov, ki so bili izdelani na kotlovniških stripovskih delavnicah Risanje stripov na daljavo. Vstopnina: 1 lajk ali šer!
Kotlovnica ONLINE, kultura in še več, preko Facebook LIVE do vašega fotelja!
Se vidimo v četrtek ob 18. uri na Facebook strani MC Kotlovnica.
In the live stream, we will virtually host authors of comics that have been produced at Kotlovnica's workshops Drawing comics from a distance. We will look at the comics they created and comment on them. We will be joined by two important guests: Miha Hančič, illustrator and comic artist from Gozd, and Martin Ramoveš, comic artist and musician from Stahovica.
The purpose of the event is to encourage the creativity and ideas of both experienced comic artists and those who have ever wanted to try this ancient art of comic book storytelling, but have not yet.
See you on Thursday at 6 pm on MC Kotlovnica Facebook page.
Vstopnina: 1 lajk ali šer!
Dogodek je šesti v seriji Kotlovnica ONLINE dogodkov, spremljajte nas na Facebooku, Instagramu in www.kotlovnica.si.