Deveti v seriji Kotlovnica ONLINE dogodkov. We will get to know European Solidarity Corps and meet some of the international volunteers who are currently in Slovenia! Vstopnina: 1 lajk ali šer!
Kotlovnica ONLINE, kultura in še več, preko Facebook LIVE do vašega fotelja!
We will get to know European Solidarity Corps, what it is and how to apply. We are also going to meet some of the international volunteers who are currently in Slovenia! What are they doing? Where are they living? How did they find their projects? And more!
See you on Wednesday at 7 pm on MC Kotlovnica Facebook page.
Vstopnina: 1 lajk ali šer!
Dogodek je deveti v seriji Kotlovnica ONLINE dogodkov, spremljajte nas na Facebooku, Instagramu in