Popoldne družabnih iger: Blood Rage

Popoldne družabnih iger: Blood Rage 2019-03-27T00:00:00+02:00
Mladinski center Kotlovnica, Fužine 10, Kamnik
Popoldne družabnih iger: Blood Rage
11. 4. 2019
18:00 – 21:00
MC Kotlovnica
Fužine 10, Kamnik
Kamnik 1241
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Igrali bomo BLOOD RAGE – hitro strateško igro za 2 do 4 igralce.


Klani vikingov plenijo in se bojujejo v iskanju slave, ki jih čaka ob koncu sveta!

Blood Rage je hitra strateška igra, v kateri od 2 do 4 igralci upravljajo vsak s svojim klanom vikingov. Klani napadajo in plenijo območja ter se bojujejo z nasprotniki, njihov cilj pa je pridobiti čim več slave, še preden Ragnarök privede do dokončnega uničenja in potopa sveta.


Description by the publisher:

Viking clans pillage and battle in a quest for glory at the end of the world!

Here comes the ultimate Viking saga! Blood Rage is a Viking board game created by acclaimed game designer Eric M. Lang. In this fast-paced yet highly strategic game, 2 to 4 players take control of Viking clans, invading, pillaging and battling in a quest to gain as much glory as possible before Ragnarök finally consumes the land. The game’s striking visuals are a combination of Adrian Smith’s highly evocative artwork and Studio McVey’s high-detailed miniatures.


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