Popoldne družabnih iger: Watson & Holmes in Bang! The Dice game

Popoldne družabnih iger: Watson & Holmes in Bang! The Dice game 2019-03-01T00:00:00+02:00
Mladinski center Kotlovnica, Fužine 10, Kamnik
Popoldne družabnih iger: Watson & Holmes in Bang! The Dice game
7. 3. 2019
17:00 – 21:00
MC Kotlovnica
Fužine 10, Kamnik
Kamnik 1241
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Igrali bomo Watson & Holmes – dedukcijsko igro za 2 do 7 igralcev – in Bang! The Dice game – hitro igro s kockami za 3 do 8 igralcev.





Watson & Holmes je dedukcijska igra, postavljena v veličastna dela Arthurja Conana Doylea. Od dva do sedem ambicioznih detektivov se postavi v čevlje dr. Watsona, ki skupaj s Sherlockom Holmesom poskuša razrešiti vrsto do sedaj še neobjavljenih primerov, ki so bili najdeni v dnevnikih dr. John. H. Watsona. Tisti, ki sprejmejo izziv, bodo podoživeli avanture tega znamenitega para in obiskali vse lokacije, na katerih so bile opravljene poizvedbe.
Spremljajte sledi in vsak namig vas bo pripeljal bližje rešitvi.
Description from https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/182694/watson-holmes:
Watson & Holmes is a game of deduction set within the magnificent works of Arthur Conan Doyle. Two to seven aspiring detectives step into the shoes of Doctor Watson, working alongside the detective Sherlock Holmes to try to solve a series of so far unpublished cases directly extracted from Doctor John H. Watson's diaries. Those who accept the challenge relive the adventures of the crime-solving duo, visiting each of the locations where the inquiries were made.
Following the trail, each clue brings players closer to solving the case.


Na divjem zahodu se večna bitka med zakonom in razbojniki vedno bolj razvnema. Kar naenkrat nebo prekrijejo puščice – to je napad Indijancev! Ali ste dovolj drzni, da se boste lahko kosali z Indijanci? Ali imate dovolj poguma, da izzovete svojo usodo? Ali lahko izpostavite in premagate brezobzirne pištolarje?
Description from https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/143741/bang-dice-game:
In the U.S. wild west, the eternal battle between the law and the outlaws keeps heating up. Suddenly, a rain of arrows darken the sky: It's an Indian attack! Are you bold enough to keep up with the Indians? Do you have the courage to challenge your fate? Can you expose and defeat the ruthless gunmen around you?