Slikarska razstava Irene Kazazić z naslovom "the birthday party"

Slikarska razstava Irene Kazazić z naslovom "the birthday party" 2007-03-04T00:00:00+01:00
Mladinski center Kotlovnica, Fužine 10, Kamnik
sreda, 14. 3. 2007
MC Kotlovnica, Fužine 10, Kamnik

Irena Kazazić: rojena v Beogradu, leta 1972. Osnovno in srednjo šolo obiskuje v Ljubljani, vse do četrtega letnika, ki ga zaključi na High School Chaparral, v Las Vegasu. Leta 1990 se vrne v Slovenijo in se vpiše na študij arhitekture. Slikarstvo študira na Šoli za risanje in slikanje, Visoki strokovni šoli v Ljubljani. Diplomira leta 2003. Živi in dela v Ljubljani.

Razpoznavno umetniško podobo si je zgradila s slikami človeških nog v obuvalu. Zgodbe nog so bile naslikane izrazito realistično, dodelane do najmanjše podrobnosti. Vidni so bili detajli mrežastih nogavic, čipkastih robov kril ali rokavic, ki so se sklanjale k čevljem. Intimizem, ter pripovednost, sta izpovedni orodji slikarke Irene Kazazić. Ikonografija je osebnostno izpovedna, saj zgleda, kot bi se na stenah pojavil slikarkin dnevnik. Videti pa je, da slikarka likovni jezik črpa v umetnosti osemdesetih ter pop artu.

O razstavi:

Since I moved to my old neighbourhood, my art started to change. I stopped with the portraits of shoes (4 a while), and started with more spontaneously oriented art. Trying to catch the spur of the moment. It might be the environment, the time, or just the fact that by reaching magic 35 I realized how life flies.

Avoiding the sterility of 'old methods', I like to unite different artistic technics and media. Photos, drawings, oil spreading or graffiti spraying, at the end the result is the same. We all want to leave something behind us, some kind of memento, that we were here. That we inhabited this place, if only just for a moment.

So this time u're invited to check out my newest collages, created from photos of me, my family, friends, people who were present in my life, this way or another. On purpose I avoided selecting just the nice photos for the show, because we all have pretty funky moments when the eye of the camera catches us. So we sometimes look funny, ridiculous, sad, serious... Yeah, I chose the media of photography because it is within the realms of possibility to grab a certain moment of time from the great Chronos, and let us enjoy it ever after. On the basis of these photos (taken by other people, selected randomly by me) I built a small memento of my previous life.

So: hello future, goodbye past! Hope u'll enjoy the show, or at least find it remotely interesting. Welcome to my world.