Večer družabnih iger – Dead of Winter

Večer družabnih iger – Dead of Winter 2018-11-23T00:00:00+02:00
Mladinski center Kotlovnica, Fužine 10, Kamnik
Večer družabnih iger – Dead of Winter
11. 12. 2018
18:00 – 21:00
MC Kotlovnica
Fužine 10, Kamnik
Kamnik 1241
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Skupina 2–5 igralcev se pridruži majhni in šibki koloniji. V svetu, kjer je večina človeštva bodisi mrtva ali pa spremenjena v po mesu hrepeneče pošasti, vsak igralec vodi frakcijo preživelih.

Dead of Winter je sodelovalna in psihološka igra preživetja. Igralci sodelujejo pri doseganju skupnega cilja, a da bi poleg skupne zmag igralci dosegli še individualno zmago, morajo dokončati tudi skrivni osebni cilj.

Ta skrivni cilj je lahko le psihološki tik, ki je za večino ostalih v koloniji dokaj neškodljiv; nevarna obsedenost, ki bi lahko ogrozila glavni cilj; želja po sabotaži skupnega cilja; ali tisto najhujše: maščevanje proti koloniji!

Nekatere igre se lahko zaključijo z zmago vseh igralcev, v drugih nekateri igralci zmagajo, ostali pa izgubijo, ali pa kar vsi igralci izgubijo. Delaj v prid skupnemu cilju, a ne pusti, da gobezdač, ki se zanima le za svojo rit, hodi po tebi!


From the publisher's website: Dead of Winter is the first game in the Crossroads series, designed by Isaac Vega and Jon Gilmour. It puts 2-5 players together in a small, weakened colony of survivors in a world where most of humanity are either dead or diseased, flesh-craving monsters. Each player leads a faction of survivors with dozens of different characters in the game.

Dead of Winter is a meta-cooperative psychological survival game. This means the players are working together toward one common victory condition--but for each individual player to achieve victory, they must also complete their personal secret objective.

This secret objective could relate to a psychological tick that's fairly harmless to most others in the colony, a dangerous obsession that could put the main objective at risk, a desire for sabotage of the main mission, or worst of all: vengeance against the colony!

Certain games could end with all players winning, some winning and some losing, or all players losing. Work toward the group's goal but don't get walked all over by a loudmouth who's only looking out for their own interests!