Pod okriljem Mladinskega Centra Kotlovnica bo prihajajoči petek, 7. 5., ob 20:00 uri, na ogled štiriindvajseta edicija oddaje "TA ČUDNA REČ".
Veseli nas, da vam bomo v tokratni oddaji - v luči obeleženja tedna Evrope - lahko predstavili našo mednarodno prostovoljko Evo Guerrero Robles, ki se nam pod okriljem ERASMUS+ programa Evropska Solidarnostna Enota za obdobje šestih mesecev pridružuje v MC Kotlovnici.
As is customary for such occasions, we shall be speaking to Eva in English, so of course also our brief introduction of her will be presented in English…
Eva is 18 years old and comes from Spain. She will speak to us a bit about how her search for art workshops has led her to get in contact with organization TACC in Barcelona and through them also with Kotlovnica in Kamnik. She will speak a bit about her experiences in Spain before her decision and ultimately her departure on an ESC adventure in Slovenia, as well as how she handled the »shock« of lock-downed Slovenia.
She will share with us her process of developing her art name »HEVVAC« and what it represents to her. We will get a chance to see some of her videos as well as to hear some of her thoughts about her artistic creations.
And more…
Lepo vabljeni k spremljanju in ogledu naše pogovorne oddaje v angleščini...ob 20:00!