Kotlovnica s partnerji vabi na usposabljanje v Turčiji
Konec meseca junija vabljeni na usposabljanje na temo trajnostnega podjetništva v idilično vasico v Turčiji. Predznanje ni potrebno, pogoj je le starost nad 18 let ter znanje angleškega jezika.
Vsi stroški (prevoz do 275€, hrana, nastanitev, program) so kriti, na samem treningu pa boste poleg vsebin imeli priložnost še navezovati stike in izmenjavati izkušnje z ostalimi udeleženci iz vse Evrope.
Več info v spodnjem tekstu in povezavi:
Call for participants from following countries; Estonia, Lithuania, Germany, France, Norway, Romania, UK, Slovenia for the TC Sustainable Young Entrepreneurs
Project Title: Sustainable Young Entrepreneurs
Project Dates: 26th of June – 3th of July (Including travel days)
Project Venue: Eskişehir
Project Details: This is a Training Course, that will explore the tackling of employment, sub-focusing on green jobs and ways & mechanisms of how to create job opportunities for oneself. The TC will focus on activism in local communities, how to develop and run certain local initiatives in order to implement the learning outcomes into practice. Especially ways of increasing employment of young people and raising awareness of renewable energy resources as a potential for new jobs in that field. In this regard, the program will focus first on definitions, information, and realities. As a next stage, the activities will be focused on developing individual competencies and initiatives, but also recognizing mechanisms for self-employment. As a further step, the activities will focus on developing entrepreneurial skills.
All this is creating a framework of necessary competencies needed for development of future ideas and projects. The goal of the TC is of course to create a long-term impact and both strengthening and contributing to young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity, and entrepreneurship.
INFO-PACK: https://drive.google.com/open?
Za dodatna vprašanja smo vam na voljo na info@kotlovnica.si ter 040693213
Prijave so odprte do sobote, 9. 6. 2018.